There I was on Thursday sitting behind my desk feverishly buying drinks on Facebook typing up sales forecasts, when who should appear in my door frame? None other than Mr M! Bright eyed and bushy-tailed he stood there, leaning his physiqued body against the door frame grinning at me like a Cheshire cat. Instantly my mouth mirrored his, with the smile; the rushed “Hi, how are you”. My hands froze on my keyboard and I didn’t know whether to get up from behind my desk or remain in the safety of my little burrow. M took the decision out of my hands when, never taking his chocolate eyes off me, he came around my desk took my hand and pulled me up into his arms.
And then he kissed me. Not a lovers kiss. Not a friendly kiss. It probably lasted all of 1 second, but once again, my heart and time stopped within that second.
And then in the mist of our body heat he disappeared. I flopped back down into my highbacked swivel chair and tried to regulate my heartbeat. Once sanity had returned I immediately got hold of my receptionsist slash friend slash ex-student to find out (1) why she didn’t warn me that M was at our offices; and (2) what the hell was M doing at our offices! The answer to (1) she wanted it be a surprise; and (2) he had a meeting with our events management team.
And then the rationalisation began.
He has a girlfriend! I was over him months ago! It doesn’t mean anything! I won’t see him again!
And then the Universe laughed. Hahahaha.
On Friday afternoon my colleagues and I arrived at our distributors for our weekly sales meeting. As I walked towards the glass sliding doors of the boardroom, who should be lounging on the leather chair??? None other than the usually absent M! A return of smiles and waves and I disappeared into the MD’s office to seek sanctuary until M had left the building.
The MD and I were chatting about the usual sales related issues, when who should appear in the door way? Déjà vu.
I couldn’t help myself. I started giggling at first, and then laughing quite raucously. The MD looked at me quizzically, properly wondering if I was in need of a shot of tranquilisers. And M, M just gazed at me, with the biggest grin possible on a grown man. The MD left his office to chat with M in the passage way, but through out their conversation M’s eyes never left mine. Not for a second. He also never stopped smiling. The MD eventually asked what was going on and whether we would like a private room together and M’s answer was all it took to get me into hysterics and a genuine need for a tranquiliser; the MD blushed so severely I thought he’d never recover and the sales manager just quietly walked away.
Tonight (Saturday) I am going out with R, M’s sales manager. I don’t know whether M will be there or not; but I don’t want his absence or presence to be a factor in my decision in going. But if he is there …
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