Ex boyfriends. Where should they be?
The reason for this profound question is that a plethera (hehehe, ok, not that many ... but I was determined to use that word in my post!) of ex-boyfriends have recently come back into my life.

One I'm very grateful for is my 'high school sweetheart'. That's about as best a description I can offer. Anyway, through a mutual friend on Facebook, yes Facebook, we got in touch again after 16 years. We've been sms-ing each other a few times a day for a few months now. We talk on the phone a few times a week; and meet for coffee once every few weeks.

He has not changed a bit in all the years. His amazing sense of humour; his gorgeous smile ... I'll stop there! Anyway it has been so great to reminisce about the good ol' days, because they really were, the good ol' days.
It is also good to have a new friend in the form of an old one. And butterflies still remind me of you!
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