Some smartass at work decided that we should be fed at the company's expense to avoid any unnecessary out of office visits to Nando's; Pizza Perfect and Pick 'n Pay. Hotdogs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and toasted sarmies (cheese and tomato) on remaining days. As if I don't get enough carbs, fats and sugars there; I eat out with friends way too often (you will be invoiced if Step 6 below is enforced!)
I'm certainly not bordering on obese, but when you're as vertically challenged as I am, 10kg doesn't have much space to spread out. I am feeling awfully uncomfortable in myself and the bottom line is I can't fit into my clothes. I am a full size larger than I was this time last year and since I am not prepared to spring for a whole new wardrobe when I have a perfectly stylish one already, I am determined to lose the weight.
Friday, September 7, 2007
6 Step Weight Loss Plan
What To Do With Ex Boyfriends?
The reason for this profound question is that a plethera (hehehe, ok, not that many ... but I was determined to use that word in my post!) of ex-boyfriends have recently come back into my life.
One I'm very grateful for is my 'high school sweetheart'. That's about as best a description I can offer. Anyway, through a mutual friend on Facebook, yes Facebook, we got in touch again after 16 years. We've been sms-ing each other a few times a day for a few months now. We talk on the phone a few times a week; and meet for coffee once every few weeks.
He has not changed a bit in all the years. His amazing sense of humour; his gorgeous smile ... I'll stop there! Anyway it has been so great to reminisce about the good ol' days, because they really were, the good ol' days.
It is also good to have a new friend in the form of an old one. And butterflies still remind me of you!
Birthday Review
And now in more sombre news; this week:
My cellphone had a bath
I was hit by a taxi
My portable DVD player gave up the ghost
My step-grandmother once-removed passed away
The kids have been possessed by Damien
August 1996
But I remember at the end thinking, Is this it? You stand in the witness box, the attorney says a few things to the judge, the judge asks you a few questions; you answer a few questions, the judge grants the divorce. You walk out of the witness box.
I've been divorced so long it's hard to remember that I was ever married actually.
August 2001
Bridge Over Troubled Waters
I'm talking about my dentist.
A few weeks ago I took the Diva for her first dental appointment and she needed two fillings in her front teeth. This magical medical man managed to complete the procedure sans an injection and with minimum discomfort to my little angel.
I was in love!
A week later one of the fillings dislodged and we had to return to McCreamy. Once again The Diva sat still for more than fifteen minutes without so much as a flinch. By now I was head over heels.
I have a missing tooth in the bottom left rear section of my mouth (biltong, yeah really). It has been gone for a few years already but the discomfort has steadily increased to the point where I have to fill the gap. McCreamy's initial advice was for me to receive an implant but by the time he was finished describing the procedure I was deathly pale and my jaw clenched shut. I opted against his recommendation and instead selected option two: a bridge.
Yesterday was preparation for the bridge which involved filing down the adjacent teeth for caps to fit over. Now in order to painlessly drill the enamel you need to anesthetize your patient and for that you need an injection. Now I'm not afraid of needles. I'm not even afraid of needles going in with the intention of drawing something out. I'm so brave I can even handle a jab in the nether regions for a vitamin B12 shot! What I am afraid of is injections in my mouth with that dreadful poison that hurts like hell no matter how many times you rub my gums with strawberry flavoured 'number' (pronounced 'numb-er' not 'number').
I warned McCreamy and informed him that I am nowhere near as brave as The Diva. It was only when the tears were streaming down my cheeks and my white knuckles clenched around the arm of the chair that he heeded my confession. By then it was too late. I was immensely embarrassed and kept my eyes closed for the entire duration of treatment. After my allotted 45 minutes I dazedly scampered out of the electric chair, garbled a slobbery 'shee you nexsht week'; and made my way to the reception where I scheduled my next appointment to receive the bridge (over troubled waters).
All My Children Ep. 2
So tomorrow my 'daughter' comes home.
All My Children Ep. 1
Don't Call Me I'll Call You
In all fairness, I must mention that whenever the dreaded Hellkom place a call to me, the operator always asks whether it's a good time for me to talk. However I must further add that it is as clear as broad (band) daylight that the poor hapless operator is reading from a script. That is another telephone faux pas that irks me. It sounds terribly insincere when someone is reciting from a generic draft and I'm too distracted singing along in my head to the sing song in the voice to concentrate long enough to hear about the fantastic call-more plan for just how much a month?
Vote NO for Bush
I am a city girl. I take long hot bubble baths with my portable DVD player perched on the toilet seat under a white fluffy towel; showcasing the latest in my favourite series. I am quite comfortable using up all the hot water in the geyser and not feeling guilty about it. There are no baths in the bush. Or at least not at The Parents bush anyway. There's a shower. Did I mention there's no electricity? No electricity = no hot water. Ok, so there are solar panels on the thatch. Big deal, what happens when it's overcast, huh? On one of the three occasions I bit the bullet and roughed it, The Parents bought me a small round three ringed baby splash pool to put in the shower so that I could 'bath'. Lovely thought, but even at 5'1" I could not comfortably relax.
So while The Parents and my five male siblings head up at least ten times a year and do the bush as only they can do, I'm quite happy to take walks in my garden in my comfortable walking shoes, all 5", whilst watching my cats (read: lions) prowling. And the only time I will face 4:30am is coming home from a good party.
Girls Night Out!
Our first port of call was a birthday party in a suburb that shall not be mentioned by name. GP and I gate-crashed late, making a grand entrance with more than 2,5 litres of wine in hand (and about 500ml already consumed). Being the courteous and charming ladies we are, we were warmly welcomed and ushered to the bar whereupon we were handed two small wine glasses and our first bottle of wine uncorked. From there we made our way outside to sit (and drink) under the thatched gazebo.
Half a bottle of wine, two plates of chicken curry and many handfuls of crisps later we made our way back inside to the bar, lured by the promise of warmth that comes with dancing. We weren't on the dance floor for more than 15 minutes when the 'DJ' and I use that term very loosely, wa spinning records (figuratively of course) of tunes that we were unable to identity by either song title, artist or genre, When we couldn't even place the decade of said tune, we reaslised that it was our cue to make a disappearing act. And with that we grabbed out 1,5 bottles of wine off the bar and made a hasty retreat to our awaiting chariot, mumbling thanks of a delicious meal on our exit.
The night was young and so were we. After a few calls to various party PRO's we headed north to the capital of clubbing. We made our way up far too many stairs for a 30-something year old and once i had caught my breath, paid our entrance fee and once again headed straight for the bar. (much to my chagrin I see a pattern forming here.)
GP and I made the discovery that the club has a maximum height requirement, specifically for men. And it seems to be less than 5'6". I have honestly never seen so many vertically challenged men in one place before. They made me look tall! I mentioned to GP that we must've gate-crashed (as we are wont to do) the after party for SMAC (Small Male Adult Conference).
After a few hours of wearing out the soles of my black patent leather stiletto's on the dance floor and blatantly staring at the very short and very young men, we came to the conclusion that we needed to be surrounded by older taller people. The immediate broadcast of another unknown song by unknown artist from unknown decade and we elegantly made our way to the establishment across the parking lot.
As was our motis operandi by now, we waiting for the guaranteed unrecognised song and made our graceful exit. In the parking lot we stumbled upon a mobile boerewors stand and teated ourselves to our second meal of the evening. We both agreed that the sausage provided more satisfaction than any man whoe paths we corssed that evening / morning!
At 3:30am with stiletto's and wine bottle grasped firmly in hand I sprinted the short distance from GP's car to my front door and finally entered my haven.
Not for Sensitive Viewers
R and I headed straight for the bar and my first poison was a R28 vodka, lime and lemonade. I almost sprayed the barmen with R6 worth of said drink when he told me the price. Gawd, when did drinks get so expensive? (We were not in Sandton). Luckily I was with a gentleman and R took care of the tab. And the next tab. And the next tab. And the next …
“Why would I do that, he’s my buddy?”
“Yeah, but he’s really into and you’d have fun together”
“Oh. Well I’m not looking for fun, I’m looking for husband”
“You’re too young to be settling down”
“*choke* C, I’m almost 34 years old! I’m 8 years older than R!”
“No shit! I thought you were his age”
Whilst I was flattered at his faux pas; I did neglect to tell him about my lustful infatuation with M. R obviously hasn’t cottoned on to this fact, just as I had no idea for his feelings for me, so best for sleeping dogs to remain sedated.
“Oh hell no!” Said one drunken me. “I live in the opposite direction, so you guys head on out without me.”
I’m dog tired so I’ll give the headlines.
M wasn’t there. In a totally unrelated incident I got totally drunk. Danced the night away. Got a lift home with R. Threw up out of the car outside the Jewish Old Age Home in Sandringham. (Sorry guys! Shalom) Got home safely … if not soundly.
PS: It’s my birthday next month and I have decided to celebrate it in style. After all, it’s not every day you turn 25. This is my 10th and final commemoration of reaching my quarter century and regrettably next year I shall be blowing out thirty candles on my cake.
Thoughts to ponder …
The M Word
There I was on Thursday sitting behind my desk feverishly buying drinks on Facebook typing up sales forecasts, when who should appear in my door frame? None other than Mr M! Bright eyed and bushy-tailed he stood there, leaning his physiqued body against the door frame grinning at me like a Cheshire cat. Instantly my mouth mirrored his, with the smile; the rushed “Hi, how are you”. My hands froze on my keyboard and I didn’t know whether to get up from behind my desk or remain in the safety of my little burrow. M took the decision out of my hands when, never taking his chocolate eyes off me, he came around my desk took my hand and pulled me up into his arms.
And then he kissed me. Not a lovers kiss. Not a friendly kiss. It probably lasted all of 1 second, but once again, my heart and time stopped within that second.
And then in the mist of our body heat he disappeared. I flopped back down into my highbacked swivel chair and tried to regulate my heartbeat. Once sanity had returned I immediately got hold of my receptionsist slash friend slash ex-student to find out (1) why she didn’t warn me that M was at our offices; and (2) what the hell was M doing at our offices! The answer to (1) she wanted it be a surprise; and (2) he had a meeting with our events management team.
And then the rationalisation began.